Wednesday, 7 December 2016
Sunday, 4 December 2016
Wednesday, 30 November 2016
Beginners Guide to Being a Primal Fat Adapted Athlete
The Concept
I was struggling to come up with a beginners guide to ketosis for some friends that wanted to use LCHF to lose some body fat and stay fit. It was then I realised that ketosis is only a small part of what we're trying to achieve here, although using fat adaption and ketosis is definitely important the real key is being able to strike a balance between fat loss and still performing to a high standard athletically.
The Exception
The only proviso I would like to place on this guide is that I do believe carbs are an important part of your diet for certain people or certain goals. The first is high performance athletes, don't get me wrong there's an ever growing list of banting, primal and LCHF athletes that perform at a higher athletic ability when eating LCHF but it is my belief that these are the exception and not the rule. The second group are those looking to build muscle, this ultimately comes down to the anabolic properties of insulin which are heavily restricted when consuming a LCHF diet. Once again there are plenty of individuals who are able to build strength and size with a LCHF diet but the science make it clear this is the more difficult path to those goals. What a LCHF diet can achieve however is the ability to effortlessly perform at a high athletic standard whilst maintaining a very aesthetically pleasing physique.
The Transformation
Just to show you I'm not full of it here's the transformation I was able to achieve in just 8 weeks of fasting and LCHF dieting whilst still maintaining a very high level of activity and strength
Track Your Macros
Using a macro/calorie tracker is going to make your life much easier. Despite it's recent acquisition by under armour and being flooded by ads myfitnesspal is by the far the best application to be using.
Metabolic Adaption
If you're looking to use this diet to lose weight one of the most integral factors in long term weight loss is metabolic adaption. It is very important for healthy sustained weight loss to eat as many calories as possible whilst still losing weight. Particularly on keto you're going to drop weight from dropping carbs out of your diet so start with a generous amount of "maintenance" calories and drop 200 calories per day after your first week and then another 100 per day after your second week. After this point you should only be dropping calories when your weight loss plateaus.
LCHF Advantages
A large part of the advantage of being primal and fat adapted is how easy it is to stay lean. This is due to 4 factors
Being fat adapted instead of worrying about constant nutritional ketosis also means you don't have to worry about excessive protein consumption. For nutritional ketosis you need to make sure your consuming no more than 50g net carbs per day and no more than 120g of protein per day or you risk being knocked out of ketosis by gluconeogenesis (the bodies conversion of protein to glucose) but because we are happy to be fluctuating in and out of ketone production this isn't an issue
Fasting and the Fasted State
We've always been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day. My philosophy on this was put on its head when I started following an intermittent fasting diet and had great success in dieting whilst forgoing this meal. However the advantages of fasting are about keeping insulin low or being in a "fasted state" and the only thing better for low insulin than skipping breakfast altogether is a fat only meal. The pinnacle of fat only meals is the Bullet Proof Coffee (please find my BP Coffee guide here). However for those not fond of butter in the morning beverages I have come up with a alternative that still delivers 30g of fat and not much else.
6 AM: 5-15 minutes pre-workout: 10 g BCAA or your choice of pre-workout
I was struggling to come up with a beginners guide to ketosis for some friends that wanted to use LCHF to lose some body fat and stay fit. It was then I realised that ketosis is only a small part of what we're trying to achieve here, although using fat adaption and ketosis is definitely important the real key is being able to strike a balance between fat loss and still performing to a high standard athletically.
The Exception
The only proviso I would like to place on this guide is that I do believe carbs are an important part of your diet for certain people or certain goals. The first is high performance athletes, don't get me wrong there's an ever growing list of banting, primal and LCHF athletes that perform at a higher athletic ability when eating LCHF but it is my belief that these are the exception and not the rule. The second group are those looking to build muscle, this ultimately comes down to the anabolic properties of insulin which are heavily restricted when consuming a LCHF diet. Once again there are plenty of individuals who are able to build strength and size with a LCHF diet but the science make it clear this is the more difficult path to those goals. What a LCHF diet can achieve however is the ability to effortlessly perform at a high athletic standard whilst maintaining a very aesthetically pleasing physique.
The Transformation
Just to show you I'm not full of it here's the transformation I was able to achieve in just 8 weeks of fasting and LCHF dieting whilst still maintaining a very high level of activity and strength
Track Your Macros
Using a macro/calorie tracker is going to make your life much easier. Despite it's recent acquisition by under armour and being flooded by ads myfitnesspal is by the far the best application to be using.
Metabolic Adaption
If you're looking to use this diet to lose weight one of the most integral factors in long term weight loss is metabolic adaption. It is very important for healthy sustained weight loss to eat as many calories as possible whilst still losing weight. Particularly on keto you're going to drop weight from dropping carbs out of your diet so start with a generous amount of "maintenance" calories and drop 200 calories per day after your first week and then another 100 per day after your second week. After this point you should only be dropping calories when your weight loss plateaus.
LCHF Advantages
A large part of the advantage of being primal and fat adapted is how easy it is to stay lean. This is due to 4 factors
- Because your body is adapted to using fat for fuel it is much more efficient at burning your fat stores.
- Because your carbohydrate intake is limited your insulinogenic response remains blunted which drastically limits your appetite. This means you will find keeping your calories below maintenance quite simple.
- You remain highly sensitive to insulin which helps maintain a lower body fat % even when consuming maintenance calories
- LCHF food is just flat out delicious, honestly eating this makes me feel like I'm not even dieting
Being fat adapted instead of worrying about constant nutritional ketosis also means you don't have to worry about excessive protein consumption. For nutritional ketosis you need to make sure your consuming no more than 50g net carbs per day and no more than 120g of protein per day or you risk being knocked out of ketosis by gluconeogenesis (the bodies conversion of protein to glucose) but because we are happy to be fluctuating in and out of ketone production this isn't an issue
Fasting and the Fasted State
We've always been told breakfast is the most important meal of the day. My philosophy on this was put on its head when I started following an intermittent fasting diet and had great success in dieting whilst forgoing this meal. However the advantages of fasting are about keeping insulin low or being in a "fasted state" and the only thing better for low insulin than skipping breakfast altogether is a fat only meal. The pinnacle of fat only meals is the Bullet Proof Coffee (please find my BP Coffee guide here). However for those not fond of butter in the morning beverages I have come up with a alternative that still delivers 30g of fat and not much else.
- 1 egg
- 30ml Double Cream
- 10g Butter
- Herbs and spices of your choosing (my preference Salt, Pepper, Garlic, Chilli and Oregano)
If you're a bit worried about how this will piece together fear not, I have some pratical interpretations of the primal LCHF eating plan below.
What to Eat?
Whilst primal, banting athletes can consume some fairly high volumes of carbs depending on your activity level or fat loss goals, it's probably a good idea to work out what are the best and worst foods to build your diet around. Avoiding carbs in the early stages of getting fat adapted is a very good idea. In the first couple of weeks I would try to limit carb intake to no more than 50g per day to make it easier for your body to adapt to ketone production, after a couple of weeks you can increase it a bit depending on your training volume and intensity. Ideally you don't want to be going over 100g per day if you're highly active and 80g if you're moderately active.
Vegetables are an essential part of the primal fat adapted athletes food intake. Because we are limiting fruit and grain consumption vegetables become our key intake of vitamins and fibre. Green, leafy or fibrous vegetables like broccoli are an amazing source of vitamins and fibre and if you're being generous with your carb intake almost all vegetables are permissible (excluding potatoes). However here's a rough guide of which vegetables to eat with impunity and which to be slightly cautious of.
Very low carb vegetables
Benefits of Fat Only Meal
Although this is covered in my post on BP coffee it is that important it bears repeating
- A brain boost thanks to the good cholesterol and fats in the butter. Your brain is made up of a lot of fat and cholesterol the consumption of a fat only meal on an empty stomach allows rapid absorption of these fats fuelling brain function
- A boost to fat burning thanks to the butyric acid in the butter and the fat consumption boosts the bodies release of ghrelin which plays a key role in the burning of fat stores.
- Blunts the insulin response immediately and for the rest of the day. Meaning that you'll immediately feel full and will require a lot less food to feel satiated from your remaining meals.
What to Eat?
Whilst primal, banting athletes can consume some fairly high volumes of carbs depending on your activity level or fat loss goals, it's probably a good idea to work out what are the best and worst foods to build your diet around. Avoiding carbs in the early stages of getting fat adapted is a very good idea. In the first couple of weeks I would try to limit carb intake to no more than 50g per day to make it easier for your body to adapt to ketone production, after a couple of weeks you can increase it a bit depending on your training volume and intensity. Ideally you don't want to be going over 100g per day if you're highly active and 80g if you're moderately active.
Vegetables are an essential part of the primal fat adapted athletes food intake. Because we are limiting fruit and grain consumption vegetables become our key intake of vitamins and fibre. Green, leafy or fibrous vegetables like broccoli are an amazing source of vitamins and fibre and if you're being generous with your carb intake almost all vegetables are permissible (excluding potatoes). However here's a rough guide of which vegetables to eat with impunity and which to be slightly cautious of.
Very low carb vegetables
- leafy greens (Swiss chard, bok choy, spinach, lettuce, chard, chives, endive, radicchio, etc.)
- cruciferous vegetables like kale (dark leaf), kohlrabi, radishes, white and green cabbage, red cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, fennel, turnips, rutabaga / swede
- celery stalk, asparagus, cucumber, summer squash (zucchini, spaghetti squash), bamboo shoots
- avocado (technically a fruit obviously)
- some root vegetables (parsley root), spring onion, leek, onion, garlic, mushrooms, winter squash (pumpkin)
- nightshades (eggplant, tomatoes, peppers)
- sea vegetables (nori, kombu), okra, bean sprouts, sugar snap peas, wax beans, globe or French artichokes, water chestnuts
Vegetables to be more cautious of
- root vegetables (celery root, carrot, beetroot, parsnip) ~10g of carbs per 100g
- sweet potato has 20g of carbs per 100g so be particularly careful with that
As stated above you can go crazyon protein which means eating as much meat and high fat dairy as you can fit into your caloric goals. Nuts are also a personal favourite of mine. All that being said here's a rough guide of some of my LCHF staples.
- I use 18% or 20% beef mince to cook bolognese and mexican chilli beef
- The bolognese I eat with courgette spaghetti and heaps of cheddar to keep the fat content nice and high
- The mexican chilli beef I mate into naked burritos with salsa, guacamole, sour cream and cheddar. So delicious it doesn't feel like I'm on a diet
- I also use high fat mince to cook burger pizza or meatza as some call it, basically pizza ingredients with a burger patty replacing the pizza base
- Thai currys are super easy to make and super delicious
- Heaps of eggs and bacon including cream added to scrambled eggs
- Add cheddar cheese to everything :)
- Nuts
- Nut butters
- Pan fried halloumi (saganaki)
- 85% dark choc (or higher but 85% tastes the best)
- Lindt 85% and peanut butter is absolutely amazing, keto friendly peanut butter cups
I love pre-workout and highly recommend you find one that works for you. I also supplement my pre-workout with beta-alanine and AAKG which are both normal ingredients in PWO formulas anyway but I like to add more. The caffeine in most preowkouts will also have good thermogenic effects for those trying to lose weight
If your trying to lose weight Creatine might not be the ideal supplement because of it's water retention effects. However if your using LCHF to maintain low body fat but gain strength then I highly recommend it.
When to Eat?
The final piece of the puzzle is how this will all look depending on your training times. This part of the guide is adapted from Martin Berkhan's because despite having a slightly different nutritional philosophy we see things pretty much the same way. Ideally you don't want to beating a massive meal just before bed
Early morning fasted training
6-7 AM: Training.
8 AM: (as soon as possible after training) fat only meal
8 AM: (as soon as possible after training) fat only meal
12-1 PM: Feeding window opens
8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.
11 AM: Fat only meal
11 AM: Fat only meal
8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.
Fasted training
11.30-12 AM or 5-15 minutes pre-workout: 10 g BCAA or your choice of pre-workout
12-1 PM: Training
1 PM: (as soon as possible after training) fat only meal
2 PM: Feeding window opens
8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.
One pre-workout meal
11 AM: Fat only meal
12-1 PM or around lunch/noon: Pre-workout meal. Approximately 20-25% of daily total calorie intake.
3-4 PM: Training should happen a few hours after the pre-workout meal.
4-5 PM: Post-workout meal
8-9 PM: Last meal before the fast.
Two pre-workout meals
11 AM: Fat only meal
12-1 PM or around lunch/noon: Meal one. Approximately 20-25% of daily total calorie intake.
4-5 PM: Pre-workout meal. Roughly equal to the first meal.
8-9 PM: Post-workout meal
At the end of the day you need to try and find an eating and training routine that works for you.
Help Me I Binged On Carbs
Obviously not ideal but hey it happens. The best thing to do is complete a 24 hour fast combined with a fat only meal (see the guide here) as this is guaranteed to get you immediately back into ketosis. However this obviously won't be possible every time you have a few beers or a pizza. Basically you should try and complete any type of training as early as possible and combine this with a fat only meal. Try and wait for at least 2 hours before consuming your next meal so your body is encouraged to metabolise the fuel it's been given (fat) and start releasing ketones again.
I'm Dying of the Keto Flu
Unfortunately the Keto Flu is a pretty common side effect of fat adaption. It was certainly something I really struggled with when I was first using keto to lose weight. What changed things for me was the introduction of a fat only meal as my first meal of the day. That and caffeine have meant my most recent descents into ketosis have not been accompanied by any lethargy at all. If you are I would suggest increasing your fat consumption and performing a 24 hour fast (with a fat only meal as lunch) combined with morning fasted cardio in order to ensure your body is releasing adequate ketones.
I'm Dying of the Keto Flu
Unfortunately the Keto Flu is a pretty common side effect of fat adaption. It was certainly something I really struggled with when I was first using keto to lose weight. What changed things for me was the introduction of a fat only meal as my first meal of the day. That and caffeine have meant my most recent descents into ketosis have not been accompanied by any lethargy at all. If you are I would suggest increasing your fat consumption and performing a 24 hour fast (with a fat only meal as lunch) combined with morning fasted cardio in order to ensure your body is releasing adequate ketones.
Tuesday, 29 November 2016
Tuesday, 22 November 2016
Friday, 4 November 2016
Tuesday, 1 November 2016
Check out my nutrition log
Just updated my @Bodybuildingcom #nutrition log, check it out #bodybuilding #gains #motivation #fit #fitspo #fitfam
— The Fit Publican (@thefitpublican) November 1, 2016
Friday, 28 October 2016
Saturday, 22 October 2016
Monday, 10 October 2016
Friday, 7 October 2016
Keto Log
Just updated my @Bodybuildingcom #keto log, check it out #bodybuilding #gains #motivation #fit #fitspo #fitfam
— The Fit Publican (@thefitpublican) October 7, 2016
Friday, 30 September 2016
Sunday, 25 September 2016
Friday, 16 September 2016
Week Update 05/09 - 11/09
Another solid week this week which I'm happy with and weight loss has continued nicely, really nothing remarkable to report.
Another solid week this week which I'm happy with and weight loss has continued nicely, really nothing remarkable to report.
5th September 4.06km Jog
Burnt 365 calories
Pace 5:59 p/km
6th September Boxing Class
Burnt 595 calories
7th September Pecs and Biceps Workout 88.1kg
Barbell Bench Press 80kg each 6,4,3
Barbell Bicep Curl 40kg 5,4,4
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 6,5,5*
Hammer Curls 16kg each 8,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 14kg each 6,5,5
*went slightly higher angle (about 50 instead of 35) than normal with the incline bench which increased the difficulty and reduced the reps, felt like it targeted the upper pecs better though so I'll continue with it
8th September Back and Triceps Workout 88.1kgs
Wide Grip Pullups 8,5,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 7,6,6
Barbell Rows 60kg 10,8,7
Barbell Shrug 80kg 10,10,8
Machine Tricep Extension 64kg 10,8,7
9th September 4.06km Jog 87.4kgs
Burnt 395 calories
Pace 5:32 p/km
Bit of a weight win this morning, 3.3kgs lost in 3 weeks
10th September Delts and Abs Workout 86.6kgs
Barbell Press 50kg 6,5,4
Barbell Upright Row 40kg 6,6,6
Hanging Leg-Hip Raise (toes to hands) 6,5,4
Front Raise 20kg 6,5,5
Knee Raise 6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 6,6,5
Another huge weight loss win this morning and I'm down 4.1kgs in 3 weeks, my body looks pretty shit because of the carb depletion but once I'm down to 81kg I'll crank up my calories and look to build back a bit of mass
11th September Pecs and Biceps Workout 87.7kg
Barbell Bench Press 90kg 4,3 85kg 5
Barbell Bicep Curl 40kg 6,4,3
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 7,5,5
Hammer Curls 18kg each 6,5,5
Dumbbell Pec Fly 14kg each 8,6,5
Because I had a big carb feed yesterday I wanted to really go hard at the gym today. Felt really good.
Monday, 12 September 2016
Bolognese Recipe
This recipe is a little bit keto unfriendly because of the carbs from the onions and tomatoes but it's still delicious and they key to keeping it keto is to make sure you use very high fat mince in order to keep the macros in line.
1 tbsp olive oil
500g high fat beef mince (this recipe used 18%)
2 brown onions
2 400g tins of chopped tomato
2 garlic cloves (or use minced garlic or powdered garlic)
1 tsp salt (more or less depending on your taste, remember there's a lot of salt in the tinned tomatoes)
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 pinch sugar
1 chopped whole chilli (optional)
side note - a lot of people add
125ml red wine
2 bay leaves
If you're eating this for health reasons the wine doesn't actually take much away (because the alcohol evaporates) so you can, however I don't feel like bay leaves add anything to a bolognese so I don't include them.
1. Peel and dice the onions into a bowl and add all the herbs and spices. Add the oil to a saucepan on high heat and wait for it to get hot and then add the onions, herbs and spices in keeping it on a high heat but stirring constantly so the onions don't burn. High heat is important because otherwise the onions begin to stew and don't develop the delicious caramelised flavours we're looking for. Once the onions have turned slightly brown (please don't burn them) turn off the heat, allow to cool slightly and scrape the onions back into the bowl. Caramelising the onions should only take 5-6 minutes on a high heat.
1 tbsp olive oil
500g high fat beef mince (this recipe used 18%)
2 brown onions
2 400g tins of chopped tomato
2 garlic cloves (or use minced garlic or powdered garlic)
1 tsp salt (more or less depending on your taste, remember there's a lot of salt in the tinned tomatoes)
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp dried oregano
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried rosemary
1 pinch sugar
1 chopped whole chilli (optional)
side note - a lot of people add
125ml red wine
2 bay leaves
If you're eating this for health reasons the wine doesn't actually take much away (because the alcohol evaporates) so you can, however I don't feel like bay leaves add anything to a bolognese so I don't include them.
1. Peel and dice the onions into a bowl and add all the herbs and spices. Add the oil to a saucepan on high heat and wait for it to get hot and then add the onions, herbs and spices in keeping it on a high heat but stirring constantly so the onions don't burn. High heat is important because otherwise the onions begin to stew and don't develop the delicious caramelised flavours we're looking for. Once the onions have turned slightly brown (please don't burn them) turn off the heat, allow to cool slightly and scrape the onions back into the bowl. Caramelising the onions should only take 5-6 minutes on a high heat.
2. Turn the saucepan back on to high heat and add the beef, once again high heat is super important because you want to seal the meat to keep it succulent.If you're using high fat mince you shouldn't need to add any more oil to the pan but you can if it would make you feel comfortable. Once again make sure you're constantly stirring the beef to make sure it doesn't burn to the bottom of the saucepan, once the meat is 80% sealed (i.e. you can only see a few bits and pieces of red raw mince left in the saucepan) you can add the onions back in.
3. Once the meat is fully sealed, turn the heat down to med-low and you can add in the 2 tins of tomato into the saucepan. When you first add in the tomatoes it will still look kind of thick, allow it to simmer for a few minutes and the liquids and solids of the tomatoes will separate and the top of your Bolognese will look very watery. Now you want to turn the heat down to low and allow it to simmer. You probably want it to simmer for at least 2 hours and allow for significant amounts of the water to evaporate so your Bolognese can develop it's delicious rich flavour profile.
Macro Nutrient Breakdown
Based on the above ingredients and cooking method a 250g serve of your finished product should yield you the following macro nutrient breakdown
Carbs 15g (19%)
Protein 23g (29%)
Fat 18g (52%)
Calories 322
As I said it's walking a fine line of not being keto due to the high carb count so a good idea is to add a lot of parmesan or cheddar cheese in order to beef up the fat and protein content of the dish.
As above I would add plenty of cheese to make it more keto friendly and to give it that authentic feel some courgette (zucchini) or carrot spaghetti. If you chose carrot be warned they have 1g of carb per 10g of carrot.
A photo posted by @thefitpublican on
Saturday, 10 September 2016
Tuesday, 6 September 2016
Nutrition 29/08 - 04/09
So a bit off the rails this week, I went to the Jamaican Notting Hill Carnival on Monday and then started coming down with a cold on Friday.
At the carnival I had intended to only have a couple of beers and some fried chicken but 2 beers turned into 10 and things got a bit off the rails. Friday and Saturday I made the conscious decision to eat a bit more as I could feel myself coming down with a cold and wanted to give my body some fuel to fight it. Fortunately I had some vitamin c+zinc and echinacea at hand and ended up coming out of it unscathed.
Despite all the set backs I was still able to come in at only 2100 cals (per day average) for the week.

Training wise really happy with the 6 sessions only downside being I wasn't able to complete a 24 hour fast on Friday as (as stated previously) I could feel myself coming down with something.

Weight wise I lost another kilo in the course of the week so I'm happy with that too.

Thursday, 1 September 2016
Last Week's Nutrition
Overall very happy with my first week getting back into shape managed to average only 1800 cals for the week despite a huge refeed on Saturday. Macros also look excellent and considering the volume of carbs ingested on Saturday to only come out of the week at 11% of total calories consumed is awesome.
Training wise I'm very happy as well obviously I'm still building back my strength and cardio vascular endurance but things look great so far.
I'm also stoked with the 24 hour fasts I completed on Monday and Friday which I got through with flying colours.
From a weight loss point of view I dropped about a kilo over the week and have lost about 3cm from around my waist so things are looking very positive on all fronts at the moment.
Wednesday, 31 August 2016
29th August Back and Triceps Workout
Wide Grip Pullups 7,5,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 6,5,5
Machine Rows 59kg 8,7,7
Machine Tricep Extension 55kg 8,10,10
Barbell Shrug 70kg 10,10,10
30th August Delts and Abs Workout
Barbell Press 45kg 5,5,3
Barbell Upright Row 35kg 8,6,6
Knee Raise 10,10,8
Front Raise 20kg 6,5,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 8,6,6
31st August Pecs and Biceps Workout 89.6kg
Barbell Bench Press 80kg each 4,3,3
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 7,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,6,5
Hammer Curls 16kg each 8,6,5
Dumbbell Pec Fly 12kg each 7,7,6
Wide Grip Pullups 7,5,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 6,5,5
Machine Rows 59kg 8,7,7
Machine Tricep Extension 55kg 8,10,10
Barbell Shrug 70kg 10,10,10
30th August Delts and Abs Workout
Barbell Press 45kg 5,5,3
Barbell Upright Row 35kg 8,6,6
Knee Raise 10,10,8
Front Raise 20kg 6,5,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 8,6,6
31st August Pecs and Biceps Workout 89.6kg
Barbell Bench Press 80kg each 4,3,3
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 7,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,6,5
Hammer Curls 16kg each 8,6,5
Dumbbell Pec Fly 12kg each 7,7,6
Friday, 26 August 2016
Thursday, 25 August 2016
25th August Light Weight/High Rep Delts and Abs Workout
25th August Light Weight/High Rep Delts and Abs Workout 88.6kgs
Barbell Press 45kg each 8,6,5
Knee Raise 7,7,7
Barbell Upright Row 30kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 8,6,6
Front Raise 15kg 10,8,8
Barbell Press 45kg each 8,6,5
Knee Raise 7,7,7
Barbell Upright Row 30kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 10kg each 8,6,6
Front Raise 15kg 10,8,8
Wednesday, 24 August 2016
Finally found a quality 24 hour gym I can get to before work.
Currently waking up at 4:30 to get there on time but at least I get to shower at home before going to work, loving being back in the zone.
I am currently not working out my legs at all as I am focusing on achieving so quick running times at proper leg workouts and running do not work well together
21st August Full Body Workout 90.7kg
Dumbbell Bench Press 30kg each 6,5,5
Wide Grip Pullups 4,4,4
Dips 4,3,4
Dumbbell Bicep Curl 16kg each 7,6,5
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 20kg each 6,5,5
Machine Row 59kg 6,5,5
22nd August 3.9km Jog
6:20min kms (9.5km/h)
23rd August Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout 90.0kg
Barbell Bench Press 70kg 8,6,5
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 6,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 8,7,6
Hammer Curls 16kg each 7,6,5
Cable Cross Overs 23kg 8,6,6
24th August Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout 89.2kg
Wide Grip Pullups 6,5,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 5,4,5
Machine Rows 59kg 8,7,6
Machine Tricep Extension 45kg 10 50kg 8,8
Barbell Shrug 60kg 10,10,10
Currently waking up at 4:30 to get there on time but at least I get to shower at home before going to work, loving being back in the zone.
I am currently not working out my legs at all as I am focusing on achieving so quick running times at proper leg workouts and running do not work well together
21st August Full Body Workout 90.7kg
Dumbbell Bench Press 30kg each 6,5,5
Wide Grip Pullups 4,4,4
Dips 4,3,4
Dumbbell Bicep Curl 16kg each 7,6,5
Dumbbell Shoulder Press 20kg each 6,5,5
Machine Row 59kg 6,5,5
22nd August 3.9km Jog
6:20min kms (9.5km/h)
23rd August Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout 90.0kg
Barbell Bench Press 70kg 8,6,5
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 6,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 50kg 8,7,6
Hammer Curls 16kg each 7,6,5
Cable Cross Overs 23kg 8,6,6
24th August Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout 89.2kg
Wide Grip Pullups 6,5,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 5,4,5
Machine Rows 59kg 8,7,6
Machine Tricep Extension 45kg 10 50kg 8,8
Barbell Shrug 60kg 10,10,10
Wednesday, 11 May 2016
Workouts 7th and 11th May
7th May Light Weight/High Rep Delts Workout
Dumbbell Press 24kg each 6,4,4
Barbell Upright Row 35kg 7,6,6
Front Raise 20kg 10,8,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 8,6,5
Cable Face Pulls 33kg 10,10,8
11th May Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 6,4,4
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 6,5,4
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 6,5,4
Hammer Curls 16kg each 6,5,5
Dumbbell Press 24kg each 6,4,4
Barbell Upright Row 35kg 7,6,6
Front Raise 20kg 10,8,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 8,6,5
Cable Face Pulls 33kg 10,10,8
11th May Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 6,4,4
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 6,5,4
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 6,5,4
Hammer Curls 16kg each 6,5,5
Friday, 6 May 2016
6th May Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout
First day back at the gym today in 3.5 weeks, was sick, then holiday and then had family visiting. 2.5 weeks before I'm back in Adelaide for 3.5 weeks to renew my visa. Hoping to hit it hard between now and then, should be able to do plenty of training when I'm back home too.
6th May Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout
Wide Grip Pullups 8,5,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 6,5,4
Cable Rows 77kg 6,6,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 35kg 10,6,6
Dumbbell Shrug 30kg each 10,10,10
6th May Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout
Wide Grip Pullups 8,5,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 6,5,4
Cable Rows 77kg 6,6,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 35kg 10,6,6
Dumbbell Shrug 30kg each 10,10,10
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
12th April Light Weight/High Rep Push Workout
12th April Light Weight/High Rep Push Workout
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 14,10,8
Dumbbell Bench Press 36kg each 6,6,5
Modified Fadi Deltoid Routine
Super Set
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 10
Super Set
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 10
Super Set
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 10
Cable Cross Overs 17.5kg each 10,5,4
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,6,6
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 14,10,8
Dumbbell Bench Press 36kg each 6,6,5
Modified Fadi Deltoid Routine
Super Set
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 10
Super Set
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 10
Super Set
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 10
Cable Cross Overs 17.5kg each 10,5,4
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,6,6
Monday, 11 April 2016
Workouts 9th and 11th April
9th April Light Weight/High Rep Pull Workout
Wide Grip Pullups 14,5,5
Barbell Bicep Curls 35kg 8,5,5
Mixed Grip Cable Rows 89kg 8,6,6
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curl 16kg each 8,6,5
Barbell Shrug 80kg 10,10,10
Great workout, was at my girl friend's gym so was using some different equipment, the cable row machine was a life fitness 2 stack machine gave a really different sensation to my normal cable row machine at my gym. Because of the double pulley action it felt like it took away some of the intertia you can build up on a normal cable row
11th April Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout
Squats 120kg 4,3 110kg 5
Mixed Grip Deadlift 150kg 4,3,3
Leg Press 223kg (170kg in plates and 53kg "starting weight") 6,5,5
Hamstring Curls 49kg 8,8,8
Leg Extensions 50kg 10 60kg 10,10
Amazing workout, absolutely crushed it
Wide Grip Pullups 14,5,5
Barbell Bicep Curls 35kg 8,5,5
Mixed Grip Cable Rows 89kg 8,6,6
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curl 16kg each 8,6,5
Barbell Shrug 80kg 10,10,10
Great workout, was at my girl friend's gym so was using some different equipment, the cable row machine was a life fitness 2 stack machine gave a really different sensation to my normal cable row machine at my gym. Because of the double pulley action it felt like it took away some of the intertia you can build up on a normal cable row
11th April Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout
Squats 120kg 4,3 110kg 5
Mixed Grip Deadlift 150kg 4,3,3
Leg Press 223kg (170kg in plates and 53kg "starting weight") 6,5,5
Hamstring Curls 49kg 8,8,8
Leg Extensions 50kg 10 60kg 10,10
Amazing workout, absolutely crushed it
Friday, 8 April 2016
8th April Heavy Weight/Low Rep Push Workout
8th April Heavy Weight/Low Rep Push Workout
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 60kg 5,3,3
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 8,5,4
Barbell Upright Row 40kg 6,6,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 10,8,6
Cable Cross Overs 16kg each 8,5,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,8,6
Not super happy with my Press output, pretty sure my PB is 6 reps so it grinds my gears a bit I'm not pushing out 6 or more. Feel like I'm getting some better pec development though, was checking myself out in the mirror and they definitely looked more full.
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 60kg 5,3,3
Barbell Bench Press 80kg 8,5,4
Barbell Upright Row 40kg 6,6,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 10,8,6
Cable Cross Overs 16kg each 8,5,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,8,6
Not super happy with my Press output, pretty sure my PB is 6 reps so it grinds my gears a bit I'm not pushing out 6 or more. Feel like I'm getting some better pec development though, was checking myself out in the mirror and they definitely looked more full.
Thursday, 7 April 2016
7th April Light Weight/High Rep Legs Workout
7th April Light Weight/High Rep Legs Workout
Squats 60kg 10,10,10
Double Overhand Grip Deadlift 100kg 10,8,6
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
Leg Extension 50kg 10,10,10
Hamstring Curls 49kg 8,8,8
Squats 60kg 10,10,10
Double Overhand Grip Deadlift 100kg 10,8,6
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,5,5
Leg Extension 50kg 10,10,10
Hamstring Curls 49kg 8,8,8
Tuesday, 5 April 2016
5th April Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pull Workout
5th April Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pull Workout
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +30kg 3 +20kg 4,3
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 42.5kg 4,4,3
Dumbbell Rows 54kg each 6,4,3
Barbell Shrug 120kg 8,6,6
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curl 20kg each 4,4,3
Pretty mediocre workout to be honest, feeling a bit stressed and a bit crook. Not sick just not 100% so I just couldn't get my head in the game properly. Happy to have gone to the gym though and I'll be better for the run.
Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +30kg 3 +20kg 4,3
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 42.5kg 4,4,3
Dumbbell Rows 54kg each 6,4,3
Barbell Shrug 120kg 8,6,6
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curl 20kg each 4,4,3
Pretty mediocre workout to be honest, feeling a bit stressed and a bit crook. Not sick just not 100% so I just couldn't get my head in the game properly. Happy to have gone to the gym though and I'll be better for the run.
Friday, 1 April 2016
31st March Light Weight/High Rep Push Workout
31st March Light Weight/High Rep Push Workout
Barbell Bench Press 90kg 8,6,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,6,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 8,6,5
High Volume Deltoid Routine
Super Set
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 10
Super Set
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 10
Super Set
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 7
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,6,5
Cable Cross Overs 13.5kg each 10,8,6
Barbell Bench Press 90kg 8,6,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,6,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 8,6,5
High Volume Deltoid Routine
Super Set
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 10
Super Set
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 10
Super Set
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 7
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,6,5
Cable Cross Overs 13.5kg each 10,8,6
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
30th March Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout
30th March Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout
Squats 120kg 3 110kg 5,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 150kg 4,3,3
Leg Press 223kg (170kg in plates and 53kg "starting weight") 6,5,5
Hamstring Curls 49kg 8,8,8
Leg Extensions 50kg 10,10,10
Did not feel right with the 120kg Squat, just felt a bit too heavy and I wasn't confident getting deep enough. However I absolutely crushed the 110kg, not quite sure what to make of that but I'll probably persevere with the 120kg lifts again next heavy leg day, at least for the first set as above. Dead's were great and I'm pretty sure that's a PB for me so very happy with that. All in all Legs are progressing nicely.
Squats 120kg 3 110kg 5,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 150kg 4,3,3
Leg Press 223kg (170kg in plates and 53kg "starting weight") 6,5,5
Hamstring Curls 49kg 8,8,8
Leg Extensions 50kg 10,10,10
Did not feel right with the 120kg Squat, just felt a bit too heavy and I wasn't confident getting deep enough. However I absolutely crushed the 110kg, not quite sure what to make of that but I'll probably persevere with the 120kg lifts again next heavy leg day, at least for the first set as above. Dead's were great and I'm pretty sure that's a PB for me so very happy with that. All in all Legs are progressing nicely.
29th March Light Weight/High Rep Pull Workout
29th March Light Weight/High Rep Pull Workout
Wide Grip Pullups 10,6,5
Barbell Bicep Curls 35kg 8,7,6
Mixed Grip Cable Rows 87kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curl 16kg each 8,6,6
Barbell Shrug 80kg 10,10,10
First workout back after a the Easter break, went on holiday to Italy and Switzerland which involved eating insane amounts of food and drinking myself into a stupor almost every night. Felt a bit sluggish today.
Wide Grip Pullups 10,6,5
Barbell Bicep Curls 35kg 8,7,6
Mixed Grip Cable Rows 87kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curl 16kg each 8,6,6
Barbell Shrug 80kg 10,10,10
First workout back after a the Easter break, went on holiday to Italy and Switzerland which involved eating insane amounts of food and drinking myself into a stupor almost every night. Felt a bit sluggish today.
Wednesday, 23 March 2016
23rd March Heavy Weight/Low Rep Push Workout
23rd March Heavy Weight/Low Rep Push Workout 88.2kg
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips +30kg 5,3,4
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 60kg 3,3 50kg 6
Close Grip Bench Press 60kg 12,9,7
Cable Cross Overs 21kg each 4 17.5kg 6,4
Barbell Upright Row 30kg 10,10,10
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 7,5,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,8,6
Pretty monstrous workout, very happy with it
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips +30kg 5,3,4
Seated Barbell Shoulder Press 60kg 3,3 50kg 6
Close Grip Bench Press 60kg 12,9,7
Cable Cross Overs 21kg each 4 17.5kg 6,4
Barbell Upright Row 30kg 10,10,10
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 7,5,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,8,6
Pretty monstrous workout, very happy with it
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