Monday, 29 February 2016

29th February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pull Workout

29th February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pull Workout

Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +30kg 3 +20kg 4,3
EZ Bar Bicep Curls 42.5kg 5,3,3
Dumbbell Rows 54kg each 6,5,3
Barbell Shrug 120kg 6,6,5
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curl 22kg each 4,3,3
Lat Pulldown 57kg 10 67kg 8,6

Really happy with today's workout, particularly the dumbbell rows where I was able to push out 2 more reps on my first set than last week. Fried my lats with some pulldowns to finish too

Saturday, 27 February 2016

27th February Light Weight/High Rep Push Workout

27th February Light Weight/High Rep Push Workout 88.0kg

Seated Barbell Press 50kg 8,6,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,8,8
Barbell Bench Press 70kg 8,6,5

Deltoid Superset Routine

Super Set
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Barbell Behind Neck Press 20kg 10
Barbell Military Press 20kg 6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 6

Super Set
Barbell Behind Neck Press 20kg 10
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 5

Super Set
Barbell Military Press 20kg 10
Barbell Upright Row 20kg 10
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 6kg each 6

Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,6,5
Cable Cross Overs 15kg each 12,6,6

Friday, 26 February 2016

26th February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout

26th February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs Workout 88.3kg

Squats 120kg 3 110kg 4,4
Mixed Grip Deadlift 140kg 6,4,4 (pretty sure that's a PB but I'll have to check)
Leg Press 183kg (130kg in plates and 53kg "starting weight") 10,8,8
Hamstring Curls 35kg 10,10,10
Leg Extension 30kg 10,10,10

So today marks the beginning of my PPL split and I marked the occasion with a Heavy Legs session. Bit of mixed bag really...
>I filmed my squats (will post vids later) and I'm quite sure I'm not getting low enough, will dial back the weight next go around and get my form in order
>Super happy with my Deadlift, took a video of that too and I'll post it up
>First time I've done Leg Press, Hamstring Curls and Leg Extensions in about 6 years so I dare say I'm gonna be in a world of pain tomorrow :)

Wednesday, 24 February 2016

24th February Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout

24th February Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout 88.7kg

Wide Grip Pullups 13,6,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 12,9,6
Mixed Grip Cable Rows 87kg 8,6,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,4 35kg 8 *see below
Barbell Shrug 80kg 8,8,8

*I had problems with this last week and again today, as I highlighted previously I believe it's due to an impingement in my neck causing referred pain through my arm. I'm hoping with some self massage and a wheat bag it clears up on it's own.


Today's Delicious Lunch

23rd February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout

23rd February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout 89.3kg

Barbell Bench Press 100kg 3 95kg 3,3
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 42.5kg 4,4,3
Incline Barbell Bench Press 80kg 3,3 75kg 6
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curls 22kg each 4,3,3
Cable Cross Overs 21kg each 6,4 17.5kg 7

A video posted by @thefitpublican on

Monday, 22 February 2016

21st February Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout

21st February Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout 88.4kg

Barbell Squats 80kg 8,6,5
Barbell Press 70kg 7,5,4
Double Overhand Grip Barbell Deadlift 100kg 8,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 10,6,5
Front Raise 20kg 8,6,5

Sunday, 21 February 2016

20th February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Back and Triceps Workout

20th February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Back and Triceps Workout 88.9kg

Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +20kg 5,3,3
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips +20kg 5,4,4
Dumbbell Rows 54kg each 4,4,3
Cable Tricep Pushdown 49kg 5,4,4
Cable Row 87kg 6,6,6
Barbell Shrug 120kg 6,5,5

Great workout, don't normally do 6 sets of rows but the dumbbell sets were a bit too lacking in volume (even though the weight was nice and heavy) so I wanted to blast another 3 sets of cable rows in there.

Friday, 19 February 2016

Workouts 17/02 and 18/02

17th February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs and Delts Workout

Squats 110kg 5,4,4 (gonna film myself next workout just to make sure I'm getting low enough)
Seated Barbell Press 60kg 5,3,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 140kg 4,3,3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 18kg each 6,4,4
Front Raise 20kg 8,6,5

18th February Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout 88.6kgs

Barbell Bench Press 70kg 12,8,7
Barbell Bicep Curl 30kg 10,8,7
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,6,6
Hammer Curls 16kg each 8,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 14kg each 6,5 12kg 6

Monday, 15 February 2016

15th February Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout

15th February Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout

Wide Grip Pullups 10,5,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 8,7,7
Mixed Grip Cable Rows 87kg 8,6,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,6 35kg 8 (muscles were feeling really tight in my left arm so I dialled it back for my final set)
Barbell Shrug 80kg 8,8,8

Bulk Update

9th February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Back and Triceps Workout

Wide Grip Weighted Pullups +10kg 6,4,3
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips +10kg 6,6,4
Dumbbell Rows 50kg each 6,5,4
Cable Tricep Pushdown 49kg 4 42kg 6,5
Barbell Shrug 120kg 6,6,5

13th February Light Weight/High Rep Legs and Delts Workout

Barbell Squats 70kg 8,8,8
Dumbbell Press 22kg 8,7,6
Barbell Deadlift 100kg 6,6,6 (felt a little bit off with the deads today, not to worry)
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 9,7,6
Barbell Lunge 20kg 5,4,4

14th February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout

Barbell Bench Press 95kg 4 90kg 3,3
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 42.5kg 4,3,3
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press 32kg each 6,5,5
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curls 22kg each 4,3,3
Cable Cross Overs 21kg each 5,4 17.5kg 5

Friday, 5 February 2016

Workouts 03/02 and 05/02

3rd February Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout 87.1kgs

Barbell Bench Press 70kg 10,8,6
EZ Bar Bicep Curl 27.5kg 10,8,7
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 8,6,5
Dumbbell Incline Hammer Curls 16kg each 8,6,5
Cable Cross Overs 15kg each 10,7,5

Decided to mix things up today and do a full body workout, felt great and really got the heart pumping.

5th February Light Weight/High Rep Full Body Workout 87.7kg

Barbell Squat 60kg 8,8,8
Dubbell Press 20kg each 8,7,7
Wide Grip Pullups 7,6,5
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 8,6,6
EZ Bar Curls 27.5kg 10,8,7
Dumbbell Pec Fly 16kg each 5, 14kg 6,6

Tuesday, 2 February 2016

Yesterday's Meals and Macros

Bullet Proof Coffee

Baked Hake Fillet
Pork Chop with Chorizo

Mexican Chilli Beef with Crispy Cheddar - recipe here
Side of Guacamole and Tomato Coriander Salad

2223 Calories

Almost a perfect day for me macro and meal wise. Delicious food, high quality proteins and fats and plenty of veggies.


2nd February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs and Delts Workout

Lower volume today

2nd February Heavy Weight/Low Rep Legs and Delts Workout 88.7kg

Squats 100kg 5,4,3
Seated Barbell Press 60kg 3 55kg 4,3
Mixed Grip Deadlift 130kg 5,4,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 18kg each 6,4,4
Barbell Lunge 35kg 4,3,3

Monday, 1 February 2016

1st February Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout

1st February Light Weight/High Rep Back and Triceps Workout

Wide Grip Pullups 8,5,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 8,6,6
Mixed Grip Cable Rows 87kg 6,6,6
Cable Tricep Pushdown 42kg 7,6,6
Barbell Shrug 80kg 8,8,8