Another solid week this week which I'm happy with and weight loss has continued nicely, really nothing remarkable to report.
Another solid week this week which I'm happy with and weight loss has continued nicely, really nothing remarkable to report.
5th September 4.06km Jog
Burnt 365 calories
Pace 5:59 p/km
6th September Boxing Class
Burnt 595 calories
7th September Pecs and Biceps Workout 88.1kg
Barbell Bench Press 80kg each 6,4,3
Barbell Bicep Curl 40kg 5,4,4
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 6,5,5*
Hammer Curls 16kg each 8,6,6
Dumbbell Pec Fly 14kg each 6,5,5
*went slightly higher angle (about 50 instead of 35) than normal with the incline bench which increased the difficulty and reduced the reps, felt like it targeted the upper pecs better though so I'll continue with it
8th September Back and Triceps Workout 88.1kgs
Wide Grip Pullups 8,5,5
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 7,6,6
Barbell Rows 60kg 10,8,7
Barbell Shrug 80kg 10,10,8
Machine Tricep Extension 64kg 10,8,7
9th September 4.06km Jog 87.4kgs
Burnt 395 calories
Pace 5:32 p/km
Bit of a weight win this morning, 3.3kgs lost in 3 weeks
10th September Delts and Abs Workout 86.6kgs
Barbell Press 50kg 6,5,4
Barbell Upright Row 40kg 6,6,6
Hanging Leg-Hip Raise (toes to hands) 6,5,4
Front Raise 20kg 6,5,5
Knee Raise 6,6,6
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 6,6,5
Another huge weight loss win this morning and I'm down 4.1kgs in 3 weeks, my body looks pretty shit because of the carb depletion but once I'm down to 81kg I'll crank up my calories and look to build back a bit of mass
11th September Pecs and Biceps Workout 87.7kg
Barbell Bench Press 90kg 4,3 85kg 5
Barbell Bicep Curl 40kg 6,4,3
Incline Barbell Bench Press 60kg 7,5,5
Hammer Curls 18kg each 6,5,5
Dumbbell Pec Fly 14kg each 8,6,5
Because I had a big carb feed yesterday I wanted to really go hard at the gym today. Felt really good.
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