Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Recent Updates and Progress

Well The Fit Publican has moved off to merry old England.

Despite losing 3 kilograms in 3 weeks just before I left my weigh in at my first gym session unsurprisingly informed me it had all gone back on. With the distractions of packing, moving and flying over here my diet and exercise routine left a lot to be desired.

However being in land of pints and mushy peas did not distract me from wanting to get my physique back on the straight and narrow. Now despite a lot of eating and drinking out my exercise routine has been pretty good and I'm certainly a lot fitter than when I arrived. Here's a look at all my exercise since I got here.

Click to enlarge

As you can see quite a lot of running. Due to not having a gym to call home this seemed like the most logical (not to mention economical) step. There are a couple of gym workouts in there but my primary weight loss tactics at the moment are ketosis and fasting. I can buy day passes to the gym for £6 which I will probably do once a week.

My aerobic fitness is progressing nicely and I might even join a local London Aussie Rules team for a bit of added enjoyment. Anyway here are the breakdowns of the 2 full body workouts I've done.

18th June Full Body Workout 90kg
Wide Grip Pullups 10,6,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 9,6,5
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 18kg each 8,5,4
Dumbbell Bench Press 32kg each 5,4,3
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 7,5,5

27th June Full Body Workout 88.8kg
Wide Grip Pullups 10,6,4
Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10,6,5
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 18kg each 8,5,4
Dumbbell Bench Press 32kg each 5,4,4
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 7,5,5

Thursday, 11 June 2015

The Fit Publican's Epic 24 Hour Fast For Fat Loss

Alright I've been meaning write this guide for quite a while but I've never quite got around to it. To start off with I have to say it's a lot easier to complete these fasts if you are already fat adapted and/or consuming Bullet Proof Coffee (find my guide to BP Coffee here) but it's not essential. The reason you will find it easier is you're going to be turning your body into a supercharged ketone producing fat burning machine and being in a state where your body is already prepared for this will expedite the whole process. The overall plan is to go for 24 hours without eating and combine that with some morning fasted cardio, using these strategies along with regular resistance training I was able to transform my body from this
to this
in 2 months with 7kgs of weight loss for good measure.

The Night Before
So the night before you want to have an early dinner, obviously if you want to complete a full 24 hour fast then the earlier you eat tonight the less time you'll have to wait for dinner tomorrow. 6pm was always a good time for me because it meant I could come home and eat straight after work. Don't eat too much though or you'll feel sluggish during your cardio the next day, ~200g of meat with a good portion of vegetables is your best bet

The Morning Cardio
So 45 minutes prior to beginning your exercise take 200-400mg caffeine, this releases fatty acids into the bloodstream to be used as energy as opposed to glucose which shouldn't be available if in a fasted state. Now you want to complete at least 20 minutes of cardio, most people will advise you stick with HIIT. I've experimented with sprints, swimming, cross trainers and rowers so it's really up to you.

Truth be told I've had greater success adding steady state over HIIT but a lot of experts strongly advise against steady state cardio due to concerns with catabolism and muscle atrophy but this didn't effect me.

Post Workout
The key to fat loss is to not eat for as long as possible afterwards (remaining fasted), as soon as you eat something that provokes an insulin response (thus breaking the fasted state) you stop burning fat. After your first attempt you might only last a couple of hours post workout before you have to eat something, just try and add a couple of hours at every attempt until you can wait until tea time.

The ONE exception to this is the consumption of Bullet Proof Coffee, which not only allows an intake of calories whilst remaining in a fasted state it actually promotes the effects of fasting and fat loss. Bullet Proof Coffee is known to provide a boost to fat burning thanks to the butyric acid in the grass fed butter and the fat consumption boosts the bodies release of ghrelin which plays a key role in the burning of fat stores. Not to mention the caffeine which has great thermogenic effects.

The caffeine and fat also combine to make you feel full, meaning if you have the BP Coffee at around 3pm you should coast through until 6pm dinner.

One other final note is I would avoid any additional intake of caffeine other than the 200mg pre-workout and the ~100mg from the BP Coffee post workout. Overuse of caffeine can result in fatigued adrenals and numerous other stresses which may cause health issues and also prevent fat loss.

Friday, 5 June 2015

5th June Delts and Abs Workout

5th June Delts and Abs Workout 87.8kg

Barbell Press 50kg 5,4,4
Knee Raise 14,12,8
Dumbbell Lateral Raise 12kg each 9,6,6
Hanging Knee Raise 8,5,4

Wednesday, 3 June 2015

3rd June Back and Triceps Workout

3rd June Back and Triceps Workout 86.8kgs

Weighted Wide Grip Pullups 10kg 7,4,4
Weighted Narrow Grip Tricep Dips 10kg 6,4,4
Dumbbell Row 50kg each 4,3,3
Cable Tricep Pushdown 40kg 6,4,4

3.5kg weight loss in 3 weeks

Monday, 1 June 2015

1st June Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout

1st June Light Weight/High Rep Pecs and Biceps Workout 87.1kg

Barbell Bench Press 80kg 6,4,4
Barbell Bicep Curl 35kg 8,5,5
Incline Barbell Bench Press 55kg 9,7,5
Hammer Dumbbell Curls 18kg each 8,6,5
Cable Cross Overs 30Kg 8,5,4